Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Betrayal

About us Malays. We readily chastise ourselves, flagellate even. We are apologetic (the PM even). We protect their rights, meet their demands even, and shy from the truth even, just so we could safeguard their feelings (the cause of 13th May 1969) to accommodate them and for what? 
There is no need for gratitude, that's asking for too much still, a little appreciation would go a long way. That is all.  That would be good enough.  
However, much to our chagrin, that didn't happen. Far from it, instead of appreciation these people in fact misconstrue all sincere effort and goodwill as signs of weakness and acts of desperation. They reject the PM’s call for 1M'sia. They disdained his desire and appeal for inclusiveness. They regarded it with revulsion.   MCA and GERAKAN were despised as lackeys of UMNO. They threw in the trash bin BN’s goodwill.

Thus the slogan, Ini Kalilah and Ubah, was joyously and ardently taken up, especially by their youth. They were confident they would win. So, the betrayal. They lost.   
Now they take to holding demonstrations because they can't believe they were defeated and can't accept it. And their leaders foist on their supporters all sorts of lies and foibles in order to cause public mayhem.  
A lesson that must be learnt, is that our electorate are as susceptible and gullible to lies and outright slander as ever if not even more so. The Chinese especially are easily contaminated by the DAP’s hate mongering. And so many cast their votes very much based on racial sentiments, prejudice, bias and irrational emotion.  
Statements like, voters are wiser now, voters are better educated, voters are mature and will not be misled, voters are more informed, voters can make better judgments, voters wont be easily duped etc. is now proven untrue for a large number of them. 
The last election is proof that voters more readily believe outright lies and without hesitation too, than call on their better judgment.
One very clear example is the lie about the 40,000 Bangladeshi voters flown in by BN which has now been openly denied by the Bangladesh Embassy at a press conference. The other outright lie is about the blackout, which never happened. 
The Red Bean Army were the instruments contrived for perpetrating these lies and many more other lies upon lies. The DAP, especially, basked in it because the success of the lies was a glorious victory to them. 
I think Singapore, observing closely the progress of our elections, learnt from our experience and took the necessary pre emptive measure to make users of such media responsible and accountable in that city state.

I do think it's alright for us to take this cue from our Southern neighbor, the government that is, and apply it in our country too, ASAP.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

It’s Not about BN

Perkasa and several other parties has raised some very pertinent points vis a vis the proposal to transform BN into a single party.   
The fact is, in every General Elections, including the 12th(tsunami) and 13th(Chinese tsunami) UMNO perform remarkably well.  The fact is, the party has never been beaten.
However, the same can’t be said about the other BN component parties in the Peninsular. What is to be questioned though is the performance of Chinese based parties. They quite unable to stand up to the DAP. They are not convincing when explaining Government policies, defensive when confronted by Dong Ziao Jong and the other Dongs. Most of all, they are themselves apologetic and apprehensive of the NEP which could be regarded as the mother of all issues misleading the Chinese community. Add to all that, the various teams and factions and the continuous infighting within MCA especially.
Thus, in the eyes of many in the Chinese populace, Chinese component parties in the BN were perceived as weak and worse, as bullied by UMNO and floundering.
This gave credence to all sorts of racist accusations by the DAP against the BN/UMNO while at the same time raised their stature in the eyes of the Chinese.
The end result of all that and more is that the MCA and Gerakan became irrelevant and redundant vis a vis the DAP and hence were discarded.

So it is, the Chinese component parties in BN, that need to come out with a formula to regain Chinese trust. The ball is at their feet. Let’s see whether they can still play well as a team and contribute by scoring the necessary number of goals.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Siapa Kepala?

Saya memikirkan, orang Melayu, bila bercakap mempertahankan hak bangsanya akan cepat sahaja dituduh rasis dan tuduhan sebegini memang sudah kerap berlaku. Sehinggakan hari ini, ramai anak-anak muda Melayu, yang lemah jati diri mereka berasa malu dengan bangsanya dan malu dengan dirinya sendiri juga. Mereka ini termasuklah CEO Air Asia X dan yang sepertinya.
Tetapi orang Cina bila bersikap rasis tidak mengapa pula. Sesiapa sahaja tokoh Cina bila berlagak rasis akan dianggap sebagai wira, dipertahan, disokong dan menjadi kebangaan kaum mereka. Oleh itu, mereka jadi tidak segan untuk terus bersikap rasis. Malahan bertambah-tambah berani mencabar. Sikap rasis mereka menjadi semakin menebal. 

Dikalangan kaum Cina orang mereka yang rasis dianggap pemimpin yang berani dan bijak. 
Mungkin ini adalah kerana tokoh rasis utama negara, Kit Siang masih tidak didakwa. 
Kit Siang bila berucap menghasut kaumnya menggunakan nada yang keras serta lantang, menggunakan Bahasa Cina yang bukan sahaja tidak difahami oleh orang Melayu tetapi oleh lain-lain kaum juga. Ucapan-ucapannya yang rasis dan menghasut itu kemudian disokong dengan rencana-rencana pengarang dan dilaporkan secara besar-besaran oleh akhbar-akhbar Cina. Selepas itu ia diedar seluas-luasnya, termasuklah ke Sekolah-sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina. 
Kaum lain tidak membaca akhbar-akhbar ini, jadi mereka terus tidak sedar dan tidak tahu.   
Kesan daripada hasutan rasis, yang terus menerus, setelah sebegini lama, dapat dilihat sekarang melalui tindakan/perlakuan anak-anak muda Cina disini, di Taiwan dan Singapura dan di London juga.
Kalaulah ucapan Kit Siang itu diterjemah seluruhnya dlm Bahasa Melayu dan disiarkan sepenuhnya dlm akhbar/media Bahasa Melayu contohnya, barulah masyarakat umum akan dapat menilai, mengetahui dan sedar betapa rasisnya Kit Siang dan juga Guan Eng. 
Buat masa ini walaubagaimana rasis sekalipun Kit Siang, masyarakat bukan Cina tidak nampak dan kerana itu rata-rata tidak percaya. Disebabkan ini juga Kit Siang terus berasa terlepas dan selamat untuk menghasut kaumnya. 
Tetapi sebaliknya akan berlaku kepada pemimpin Melayu jika berbuat demikian. Bukan itu sahaja, dia akan dikecam oleh bangsanya sendiri. Termasuklah oleh orang seperti CEO Air Asia X dan rakan-rakannya.                            

Mungkin dengan cara menterjemahkan ucapan-ucapan Kit Siang supaya boleh dibaca oleh masyarakat bukan Cina juga, barulah Melayu seperti CEO Air Asia X dan orang Melayu seperti dia akan sedar diri dan tahu apa itu sebenarnya rasis dan siapa kepalanya.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pembubaran Parlimen dan mandat rakyat.

Hari ini tarikh yang telah lama juga dinanti nantikan, yang menjadi teka teki buat
sekian daripada kita, iaitu pembubaran Parlimen dan ia sudah pun diumumkan.
Pada jam 11.30 pagi tadi Perdana Menteri telah mengistiharkannya melalui siaran langsung di TV. Tentu ramai yang berasa lega sekarang kerana sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk melaksanakan kewajipan dan hak sebagai rakyat untuk mengundi.  

Hari ini adalah tarikh yang baik. Sebenarnya, bagi BN tidak ada tarikh yang tidak baik. Saya berkata demikian kerana BN telah berjaya melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya kepada rakyat.  

Dalam melaksanakan amanahnya kita dapat lihat usaha bersungguh-sungguh BN yang tidak mengenal penat lelah, bertungkus lumus untuk mendekati dan memahami gerak nadi rakyat. BN telah berusaha sedaya yang mungkin bagi memenuhi kehendak rakyat dari segala aspek keperluan kehidupan.  

Sesiapa pun tidak boleh menafikan bahawa rakyat Malaysia hari ini, berada dalam keadaan yang lebih selesa, lebih aman, lebih makmur, lebih maju dan lebih selamat berbanding dengan masa dahulu.  

Parti yang mendokong dan memelihara Perlembagaan Negara. Yang menegakkan Prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara, yang menyemai semangat muhibbah diantara kaum, yang menyeru kepada persefahaman dan penerimaan perbezaan diantara kaum, yang menyeru kepada kesederhanaan, yang menolak extremisme dan cauvanisme kaum mahupun agama, yang pemimpinnya sedia sahaja untuk meminta maaf diatas kesilapan-kesilapan lampau, yang menepati janji, yang tidak memperdayakan rakyat dengan manifesto-menifesto yang palsu, adalah BN.  

Parti-parti pembangkang berkempen supaya BN digantikan sebab kata mereka BN sudah lama memerintah. Semata mata di atas sebab itu mereka kata sudah tiba masanya mereka pula diberi peluang untuk membentuk kerajaan.  

Alasan ini sama sekali tidak munasabah dan tidak boleh diterima. Tidak ada sebab mengapa rakyat harus menolak kebaikan semata mata bagi memenuhi selera orang tertentu yang mengidam untuk menjadi PM.

BN sentiasa membawa kebaikan kepada rakyat dan negara. Jadi mengapa pula ia harus ditukarkan atau diganti dengan sebuah pakatan politik yang tidak tentu di mana pangkal atau hujungnya. Tidak tahu menghargai kebaikan bukanlah sifat yang elok atau murni kerana itu tanda orang yang tidak bersyukur.      
Sebenarnya apakah rekod yang boleh dipamerkan oleh parti-parti pembangkang dinegeri-negeri yang mereka perintah? Adakah bertambah makmur dan rakyat merasa nasib mereka terbela?

Selama tempoh ini, sebagai kerajaan, apakah inisiatif yang telah diperkenalkan untuk memajukan negeri, untuk membantu meningaktkan taraf hidup atau ekonomi rakyat?

Yang nyata Kelantan semakin hari semakin mundur dan daif, rakyatnya semaki ramai yang dizalami.  

Di Pulau Pinang dan Selangor, ceritanya sama sahaja, semakin hari rakyat semakin tertindas dan meminta minta supaya dibela dan dilepaskan dari belenggu kemiskinan dan penindasan, dari janji yang tidak ditepati hinggalah kepada keperluan asas seperti air yang tidak dapat disediakan.    

Jadi saya katakan disini, cukup cukuplah itu Nik Aziz, janganlah lagi menggadai agama Islam untuk politik atau kepentingan diri sendiri. Segala apa yang dulunya anda tuduh UMNO melakukan, kini PAS pula ghairah melakukannya. Masih tidak nampakkah petunjuk dari ALLAH SWT? Diri pun sudah uzur, cukup-cukup-cukuplah membenci dan menaruh dendam tak bertempat terhadap UMNO. Ingatlah UMNO tidak pernah menuduh PAS kafir atau Taghut atau Maha Firaun seperti yang pernah dilemparkan oleh PAS kepada pemimpin UMNO tidak berapa lama dahulu. PAS sudah lazim menggelar orang lain dengan nama-nama yang keji. Sekarang semuanya sudah terbalik. Tindak tanduk PAS  semakin hari ternampak semakin keji dan menyeleweng.  

Pemimpin-pemimpin PAS pernah mengistiharkan mengundi UMNO adalah haram. ALLAH Maha Kuasa, hari ini alim ulama di Kelantan sendiri yang mengatakan haram mengundi PAS. Kerana apa? Kerana PAS berkerjasama dengan sebuah parti politik yang terang-terangan menentang Islam.

PAS perlu insaf bahawa agama Islam bukan milik PAS. Ahli-ahli PAS perlu tahu membezakan antara PAS, sebuah parti politik yang mengejar kuasa, dan agama Islam, agama suci yang diredhai ALLAH untuk umat manusia seluruhnya, dan bahawa agama Islam bukan semata-mata untuk ahli-ahli PAS atau hak PAS. Syurga dan keampunan ALLAH pula bukan perkara yang boleh ditentukan oleh Nik Aziz.        

Mengenai Anwar pula, tidak ada apa yang boleh saya katakan lagi. Semua kawan rapatnya, yang selama berpuluh-puluh tahun mengikutnya sudah pun meninggalkannya. Mereka semua mengaku telah terpedaya. Mereka semua sekarang menjauhkan diri daripada Anwar atas keinsafan diri sendiri. Yang pasti Malaysia akan menerima aib yang bukan kepalang jika orang seperti Anwar dipilih sebagai pemimpin kerana beliau sifar dari segi moral dan integriti.    

Lim Kit Siang dan Karpal Singh pula, seperti Nik Aziz patut bersara sahaja. Kedua-dua mereka ini sudah terlalu lama dipuncak kepimpinan DAP. Jadi cukup-cukuplah. Rakyat juga semakin jemu melihat karenah mereka berdua. DAP bersekongkol dengan PAS, musuh utama dari segi ideologi. Pakatan-pakatan yang diadakan semata mata untuk mengaburi mata rakyat dan bertujuan untuk memperdayakan rakyat tidak boleh diterima lagi.  

Perjuangan DAP juga, yang semata mata untuk kaum Cina, sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan keadaan zaman dan negara hari ini. Jadi saya katakan, cukup-cukuplah DAP.  

Semoga BN mendapat mandat yang besar daripada rakyat demi kelansungan kemajuan, keselamatan dan kejayaan Malaysia tercinta.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Another Tsunami?

The 13th GE will be any day now. Any day the PM decides to dissolve Parliament will be a good day.  There is confidence for BN.   

In the mainstream print media one can see infectious goodwill for BN. The voting public believes that BN will perform much better in this GE than the last.   

Still, every seat will be bitterly contested even though the opposition is in disarray.
However, this does not detract from the fact that there is a general perception that the BN has a more than even chance of regaining its 2/3 majority.   

This mostly is due to the PM's own very innovative government policies, his strategies at reaching out to the people, all of which has been so well received and which, of course is the bane and envy of Pakatan.

Pakatan is in mess now. They carry on their heads many controversial issues, all of which of their own doing and because of which they have become stymied and gasping for a remedy. It's like every time they open their mouths they put their foot into it. Blaming the BN for everything, accusing the BN of conspiracy all the time, is not working anymore. People are getting tired of listening to the same old story and seeing the same old show. In Pakatan ruled states especially, many are even taking to the streets, protesting and demanding answers.

The individual upon whom DAP and PAS hope could galvanize their so disparate political ideologies in order to challenge BN, is now proven an amoral person. So, except for the diminishing number of diehards, those harboring political ambitions by riding on his back and those who depend on him for their bread and butter, his flaws are so exposed. Like the king with no clothes on, everybody, excepting the members of his court, can see him doe what he truly is and they are averse to the sight.

All that is needed now is for BN to avoid the pitfalls of the last elections and put their shoulders together.

BN has all the criteria that the people want of a govt. The country needs able leaders who can deliver on their promises, who can ensure continued stability and progress for a future that is better and brighter for all. As a government, BN has a proven track record and a tradition of success that other countries seek to emulate.

Voters are now better informed and smart enough to separate the chaff that is Pakatan.  

A rather peculiar trait amongst Pakatan leaders is that they are never contrite for whatever folly they have caused as though they have carte blanche over everything. These are dubious characters and shouldn't be trusted let alone entrust to them the governance of this country.      

Insya'ALLAH. This time around, the tsunami will hit DAP, PAS and Keadilan.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Aspiring PM

Many say this coming election is not going to be like all the previous others, that it will be harder fought, desperately and unscrupulously. All indications that it will be so are obvious for those who care to read the writing on the wall. This does not bode well for the country.   

The opposition has never felt so close to winning the Federal Government as they ever had. They will no doubt do their damndest not to let the chance slip through their fingers. It will be tooth and nails.  

Also, the one individual who is able to bring together the disparate opposition parties and who aspires to be PM, despite it all, knows that this will be his last throw of the dice. He will not get another chance. So, for the man who desperately needs to be PM, this coming elections will be a make it or break it mission. He will do his damndest.  

The elements for public disorder and the individual who is wont to sow it, without any qualms whatsoever as to the consequences has now come together. He will do his damndest to light the fuse.  

The catalyst for such public disorder is, firstly, a chauvinist Chinese party that poisons the minds of non Malays, especially the Chinese, by clanging the cymbals of deprivation, oppression and even declaring that they  are 2nd class citizens into their ears incessantly.

Then there is PAS. A bigotic, egocentric, Islamist party that divides and pits the Malay Muslims against each other by misrepresenting and abusing Islam. The effect is confusion, hatred and distrust amongst the Malays themselves. And finally there is PKR, a party led by a decadent individual who can't speak except with a forked tongue. Yet he is able to manipulate the other two political parties to serve his purpose.  

However, all is not well for them. Their masquerade is falling apart. The public is more and more seeing them for what they truly are and it is not a pretty picture. Nobody can lie to all of the people all of the time. They will fail and he will get his just desserts.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jamalul Kiram III and the opposition

Suddenly, not all is well in The Land Below the Wind. And this just because a pretender to the Sulu Sultanate, a that has long been blown away and scattered by the sands of time has, through some warped understanding of history, decided to claim Sabah as his own. 

Hence, the armed incursion into Sabah by his deluded but fanatic followers. Declared terrorists by their own Philippine Govt. they are now nothing but hunted outlaws.

Through cowardly deceit and ambush, they inflicted fatalities among a number our security officers and men that has caused immense sorrow to the bereaved families. There is anger and some consternation too, among Malaysians in general and Sabahans in particular. But this attack on the territorial integrity of Sabah has united Malaysians in their declaration of support for our armed forces in the defense of the nation's sovereignty.   

For the people of Lahad Datu, Kunak, Semporna and it's vicinity, this is a time of tribulation. For them, life is no more what it used to be. Many have had to leave their homes and seek shelter elsewhere. Some even just barely managed to escape with their lives and the clothes on their back and some others have been severely traumatized by the experience.   

It will take some time for normalcy to return. However, things will never be the same again. Not for Malaysians in the affected areas nor for people from the Sulu Islands either. They will not be free to come and go as they please as they have been doing for ages to trade and visit relatives.   

This armed incursion has rubbed on the raw nerves of patriotic Malaysians. I say patriotic Malaysians because there are amongst us those who are less so and even those who are not. These few are not difficult to identify. They do not grieve for our fallen heroes, they bear many perceived grudges, and carry a huge chip on their shoulder wherever they trudge. Amongst them are also those who would change our Jalur Gemilang and the National Anthem. Pathetic indeed they are.

They are followers of a certain politician whose most distinct trait is his ability to change colour, like the chameleon, to beguile the audience he faces. This person is trouble with a capital T. He will try his utmost this coming elections to create discontent, street protests and riots.   

Let us all be wary of this morally corrupt and scandalous individual, what he stands for, all the lies he habitually makes and do what is best, discard him.