Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Why Not The Opposition Party.

The BN Government is not perfect. It cannot promise us Shangri-La. But then no government in this temporal world can. The high claims and holier than thou attitude of the West  is now just so much hog wash.
There are those who opine that voters should take the risk and let the opposition form the next government. But this is an incalculable risk and the consequences might be dreadful. 

I ask. Is the opposition and its leadership;

Morally upright
Ethical in its dealings
Promotes unity
Safeguards the dignity of the Nation
Upholds and Defends the Constitution
Practices Democracy
Do not practice nepotism or cronyism
Delivers on promises
Leaders are synonymous with integrity
Has the interest of the people first
Proven track record
Responds to the people’s needs
Trustworthy all
United in cause and action
Has a clear vision
A safe bet?

If the answer is no to all of the above then let us not risk the future and well being of the people and this country by giving the opposition a chance.

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