Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Betrayal

About us Malays. We readily chastise ourselves, flagellate even. We are apologetic (the PM even). We protect their rights, meet their demands even, and shy from the truth even, just so we could safeguard their feelings (the cause of 13th May 1969) to accommodate them and for what? 
There is no need for gratitude, that's asking for too much still, a little appreciation would go a long way. That is all.  That would be good enough.  
However, much to our chagrin, that didn't happen. Far from it, instead of appreciation these people in fact misconstrue all sincere effort and goodwill as signs of weakness and acts of desperation. They reject the PM’s call for 1M'sia. They disdained his desire and appeal for inclusiveness. They regarded it with revulsion.   MCA and GERAKAN were despised as lackeys of UMNO. They threw in the trash bin BN’s goodwill.

Thus the slogan, Ini Kalilah and Ubah, was joyously and ardently taken up, especially by their youth. They were confident they would win. So, the betrayal. They lost.   
Now they take to holding demonstrations because they can't believe they were defeated and can't accept it. And their leaders foist on their supporters all sorts of lies and foibles in order to cause public mayhem.  
A lesson that must be learnt, is that our electorate are as susceptible and gullible to lies and outright slander as ever if not even more so. The Chinese especially are easily contaminated by the DAP’s hate mongering. And so many cast their votes very much based on racial sentiments, prejudice, bias and irrational emotion.  
Statements like, voters are wiser now, voters are better educated, voters are mature and will not be misled, voters are more informed, voters can make better judgments, voters wont be easily duped etc. is now proven untrue for a large number of them. 
The last election is proof that voters more readily believe outright lies and without hesitation too, than call on their better judgment.
One very clear example is the lie about the 40,000 Bangladeshi voters flown in by BN which has now been openly denied by the Bangladesh Embassy at a press conference. The other outright lie is about the blackout, which never happened. 
The Red Bean Army were the instruments contrived for perpetrating these lies and many more other lies upon lies. The DAP, especially, basked in it because the success of the lies was a glorious victory to them. 
I think Singapore, observing closely the progress of our elections, learnt from our experience and took the necessary pre emptive measure to make users of such media responsible and accountable in that city state.

I do think it's alright for us to take this cue from our Southern neighbor, the government that is, and apply it in our country too, ASAP.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

It’s Not about BN

Perkasa and several other parties has raised some very pertinent points vis a vis the proposal to transform BN into a single party.   
The fact is, in every General Elections, including the 12th(tsunami) and 13th(Chinese tsunami) UMNO perform remarkably well.  The fact is, the party has never been beaten.
However, the same can’t be said about the other BN component parties in the Peninsular. What is to be questioned though is the performance of Chinese based parties. They quite unable to stand up to the DAP. They are not convincing when explaining Government policies, defensive when confronted by Dong Ziao Jong and the other Dongs. Most of all, they are themselves apologetic and apprehensive of the NEP which could be regarded as the mother of all issues misleading the Chinese community. Add to all that, the various teams and factions and the continuous infighting within MCA especially.
Thus, in the eyes of many in the Chinese populace, Chinese component parties in the BN were perceived as weak and worse, as bullied by UMNO and floundering.
This gave credence to all sorts of racist accusations by the DAP against the BN/UMNO while at the same time raised their stature in the eyes of the Chinese.
The end result of all that and more is that the MCA and Gerakan became irrelevant and redundant vis a vis the DAP and hence were discarded.

So it is, the Chinese component parties in BN, that need to come out with a formula to regain Chinese trust. The ball is at their feet. Let’s see whether they can still play well as a team and contribute by scoring the necessary number of goals.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Siapa Kepala?

Saya memikirkan, orang Melayu, bila bercakap mempertahankan hak bangsanya akan cepat sahaja dituduh rasis dan tuduhan sebegini memang sudah kerap berlaku. Sehinggakan hari ini, ramai anak-anak muda Melayu, yang lemah jati diri mereka berasa malu dengan bangsanya dan malu dengan dirinya sendiri juga. Mereka ini termasuklah CEO Air Asia X dan yang sepertinya.
Tetapi orang Cina bila bersikap rasis tidak mengapa pula. Sesiapa sahaja tokoh Cina bila berlagak rasis akan dianggap sebagai wira, dipertahan, disokong dan menjadi kebangaan kaum mereka. Oleh itu, mereka jadi tidak segan untuk terus bersikap rasis. Malahan bertambah-tambah berani mencabar. Sikap rasis mereka menjadi semakin menebal. 

Dikalangan kaum Cina orang mereka yang rasis dianggap pemimpin yang berani dan bijak. 
Mungkin ini adalah kerana tokoh rasis utama negara, Kit Siang masih tidak didakwa. 
Kit Siang bila berucap menghasut kaumnya menggunakan nada yang keras serta lantang, menggunakan Bahasa Cina yang bukan sahaja tidak difahami oleh orang Melayu tetapi oleh lain-lain kaum juga. Ucapan-ucapannya yang rasis dan menghasut itu kemudian disokong dengan rencana-rencana pengarang dan dilaporkan secara besar-besaran oleh akhbar-akhbar Cina. Selepas itu ia diedar seluas-luasnya, termasuklah ke Sekolah-sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina. 
Kaum lain tidak membaca akhbar-akhbar ini, jadi mereka terus tidak sedar dan tidak tahu.   
Kesan daripada hasutan rasis, yang terus menerus, setelah sebegini lama, dapat dilihat sekarang melalui tindakan/perlakuan anak-anak muda Cina disini, di Taiwan dan Singapura dan di London juga.
Kalaulah ucapan Kit Siang itu diterjemah seluruhnya dlm Bahasa Melayu dan disiarkan sepenuhnya dlm akhbar/media Bahasa Melayu contohnya, barulah masyarakat umum akan dapat menilai, mengetahui dan sedar betapa rasisnya Kit Siang dan juga Guan Eng. 
Buat masa ini walaubagaimana rasis sekalipun Kit Siang, masyarakat bukan Cina tidak nampak dan kerana itu rata-rata tidak percaya. Disebabkan ini juga Kit Siang terus berasa terlepas dan selamat untuk menghasut kaumnya. 
Tetapi sebaliknya akan berlaku kepada pemimpin Melayu jika berbuat demikian. Bukan itu sahaja, dia akan dikecam oleh bangsanya sendiri. Termasuklah oleh orang seperti CEO Air Asia X dan rakan-rakannya.                            

Mungkin dengan cara menterjemahkan ucapan-ucapan Kit Siang supaya boleh dibaca oleh masyarakat bukan Cina juga, barulah Melayu seperti CEO Air Asia X dan orang Melayu seperti dia akan sedar diri dan tahu apa itu sebenarnya rasis dan siapa kepalanya.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pembubaran Parlimen dan mandat rakyat.

Hari ini tarikh yang telah lama juga dinanti nantikan, yang menjadi teka teki buat
sekian daripada kita, iaitu pembubaran Parlimen dan ia sudah pun diumumkan.
Pada jam 11.30 pagi tadi Perdana Menteri telah mengistiharkannya melalui siaran langsung di TV. Tentu ramai yang berasa lega sekarang kerana sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk melaksanakan kewajipan dan hak sebagai rakyat untuk mengundi.  

Hari ini adalah tarikh yang baik. Sebenarnya, bagi BN tidak ada tarikh yang tidak baik. Saya berkata demikian kerana BN telah berjaya melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya kepada rakyat.  

Dalam melaksanakan amanahnya kita dapat lihat usaha bersungguh-sungguh BN yang tidak mengenal penat lelah, bertungkus lumus untuk mendekati dan memahami gerak nadi rakyat. BN telah berusaha sedaya yang mungkin bagi memenuhi kehendak rakyat dari segala aspek keperluan kehidupan.  

Sesiapa pun tidak boleh menafikan bahawa rakyat Malaysia hari ini, berada dalam keadaan yang lebih selesa, lebih aman, lebih makmur, lebih maju dan lebih selamat berbanding dengan masa dahulu.  

Parti yang mendokong dan memelihara Perlembagaan Negara. Yang menegakkan Prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara, yang menyemai semangat muhibbah diantara kaum, yang menyeru kepada persefahaman dan penerimaan perbezaan diantara kaum, yang menyeru kepada kesederhanaan, yang menolak extremisme dan cauvanisme kaum mahupun agama, yang pemimpinnya sedia sahaja untuk meminta maaf diatas kesilapan-kesilapan lampau, yang menepati janji, yang tidak memperdayakan rakyat dengan manifesto-menifesto yang palsu, adalah BN.  

Parti-parti pembangkang berkempen supaya BN digantikan sebab kata mereka BN sudah lama memerintah. Semata mata di atas sebab itu mereka kata sudah tiba masanya mereka pula diberi peluang untuk membentuk kerajaan.  

Alasan ini sama sekali tidak munasabah dan tidak boleh diterima. Tidak ada sebab mengapa rakyat harus menolak kebaikan semata mata bagi memenuhi selera orang tertentu yang mengidam untuk menjadi PM.

BN sentiasa membawa kebaikan kepada rakyat dan negara. Jadi mengapa pula ia harus ditukarkan atau diganti dengan sebuah pakatan politik yang tidak tentu di mana pangkal atau hujungnya. Tidak tahu menghargai kebaikan bukanlah sifat yang elok atau murni kerana itu tanda orang yang tidak bersyukur.      
Sebenarnya apakah rekod yang boleh dipamerkan oleh parti-parti pembangkang dinegeri-negeri yang mereka perintah? Adakah bertambah makmur dan rakyat merasa nasib mereka terbela?

Selama tempoh ini, sebagai kerajaan, apakah inisiatif yang telah diperkenalkan untuk memajukan negeri, untuk membantu meningaktkan taraf hidup atau ekonomi rakyat?

Yang nyata Kelantan semakin hari semakin mundur dan daif, rakyatnya semaki ramai yang dizalami.  

Di Pulau Pinang dan Selangor, ceritanya sama sahaja, semakin hari rakyat semakin tertindas dan meminta minta supaya dibela dan dilepaskan dari belenggu kemiskinan dan penindasan, dari janji yang tidak ditepati hinggalah kepada keperluan asas seperti air yang tidak dapat disediakan.    

Jadi saya katakan disini, cukup cukuplah itu Nik Aziz, janganlah lagi menggadai agama Islam untuk politik atau kepentingan diri sendiri. Segala apa yang dulunya anda tuduh UMNO melakukan, kini PAS pula ghairah melakukannya. Masih tidak nampakkah petunjuk dari ALLAH SWT? Diri pun sudah uzur, cukup-cukup-cukuplah membenci dan menaruh dendam tak bertempat terhadap UMNO. Ingatlah UMNO tidak pernah menuduh PAS kafir atau Taghut atau Maha Firaun seperti yang pernah dilemparkan oleh PAS kepada pemimpin UMNO tidak berapa lama dahulu. PAS sudah lazim menggelar orang lain dengan nama-nama yang keji. Sekarang semuanya sudah terbalik. Tindak tanduk PAS  semakin hari ternampak semakin keji dan menyeleweng.  

Pemimpin-pemimpin PAS pernah mengistiharkan mengundi UMNO adalah haram. ALLAH Maha Kuasa, hari ini alim ulama di Kelantan sendiri yang mengatakan haram mengundi PAS. Kerana apa? Kerana PAS berkerjasama dengan sebuah parti politik yang terang-terangan menentang Islam.

PAS perlu insaf bahawa agama Islam bukan milik PAS. Ahli-ahli PAS perlu tahu membezakan antara PAS, sebuah parti politik yang mengejar kuasa, dan agama Islam, agama suci yang diredhai ALLAH untuk umat manusia seluruhnya, dan bahawa agama Islam bukan semata-mata untuk ahli-ahli PAS atau hak PAS. Syurga dan keampunan ALLAH pula bukan perkara yang boleh ditentukan oleh Nik Aziz.        

Mengenai Anwar pula, tidak ada apa yang boleh saya katakan lagi. Semua kawan rapatnya, yang selama berpuluh-puluh tahun mengikutnya sudah pun meninggalkannya. Mereka semua mengaku telah terpedaya. Mereka semua sekarang menjauhkan diri daripada Anwar atas keinsafan diri sendiri. Yang pasti Malaysia akan menerima aib yang bukan kepalang jika orang seperti Anwar dipilih sebagai pemimpin kerana beliau sifar dari segi moral dan integriti.    

Lim Kit Siang dan Karpal Singh pula, seperti Nik Aziz patut bersara sahaja. Kedua-dua mereka ini sudah terlalu lama dipuncak kepimpinan DAP. Jadi cukup-cukuplah. Rakyat juga semakin jemu melihat karenah mereka berdua. DAP bersekongkol dengan PAS, musuh utama dari segi ideologi. Pakatan-pakatan yang diadakan semata mata untuk mengaburi mata rakyat dan bertujuan untuk memperdayakan rakyat tidak boleh diterima lagi.  

Perjuangan DAP juga, yang semata mata untuk kaum Cina, sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan keadaan zaman dan negara hari ini. Jadi saya katakan, cukup-cukuplah DAP.  

Semoga BN mendapat mandat yang besar daripada rakyat demi kelansungan kemajuan, keselamatan dan kejayaan Malaysia tercinta.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Another Tsunami?

The 13th GE will be any day now. Any day the PM decides to dissolve Parliament will be a good day.  There is confidence for BN.   

In the mainstream print media one can see infectious goodwill for BN. The voting public believes that BN will perform much better in this GE than the last.   

Still, every seat will be bitterly contested even though the opposition is in disarray.
However, this does not detract from the fact that there is a general perception that the BN has a more than even chance of regaining its 2/3 majority.   

This mostly is due to the PM's own very innovative government policies, his strategies at reaching out to the people, all of which has been so well received and which, of course is the bane and envy of Pakatan.

Pakatan is in mess now. They carry on their heads many controversial issues, all of which of their own doing and because of which they have become stymied and gasping for a remedy. It's like every time they open their mouths they put their foot into it. Blaming the BN for everything, accusing the BN of conspiracy all the time, is not working anymore. People are getting tired of listening to the same old story and seeing the same old show. In Pakatan ruled states especially, many are even taking to the streets, protesting and demanding answers.

The individual upon whom DAP and PAS hope could galvanize their so disparate political ideologies in order to challenge BN, is now proven an amoral person. So, except for the diminishing number of diehards, those harboring political ambitions by riding on his back and those who depend on him for their bread and butter, his flaws are so exposed. Like the king with no clothes on, everybody, excepting the members of his court, can see him doe what he truly is and they are averse to the sight.

All that is needed now is for BN to avoid the pitfalls of the last elections and put their shoulders together.

BN has all the criteria that the people want of a govt. The country needs able leaders who can deliver on their promises, who can ensure continued stability and progress for a future that is better and brighter for all. As a government, BN has a proven track record and a tradition of success that other countries seek to emulate.

Voters are now better informed and smart enough to separate the chaff that is Pakatan.  

A rather peculiar trait amongst Pakatan leaders is that they are never contrite for whatever folly they have caused as though they have carte blanche over everything. These are dubious characters and shouldn't be trusted let alone entrust to them the governance of this country.      

Insya'ALLAH. This time around, the tsunami will hit DAP, PAS and Keadilan.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Aspiring PM

Many say this coming election is not going to be like all the previous others, that it will be harder fought, desperately and unscrupulously. All indications that it will be so are obvious for those who care to read the writing on the wall. This does not bode well for the country.   

The opposition has never felt so close to winning the Federal Government as they ever had. They will no doubt do their damndest not to let the chance slip through their fingers. It will be tooth and nails.  

Also, the one individual who is able to bring together the disparate opposition parties and who aspires to be PM, despite it all, knows that this will be his last throw of the dice. He will not get another chance. So, for the man who desperately needs to be PM, this coming elections will be a make it or break it mission. He will do his damndest.  

The elements for public disorder and the individual who is wont to sow it, without any qualms whatsoever as to the consequences has now come together. He will do his damndest to light the fuse.  

The catalyst for such public disorder is, firstly, a chauvinist Chinese party that poisons the minds of non Malays, especially the Chinese, by clanging the cymbals of deprivation, oppression and even declaring that they  are 2nd class citizens into their ears incessantly.

Then there is PAS. A bigotic, egocentric, Islamist party that divides and pits the Malay Muslims against each other by misrepresenting and abusing Islam. The effect is confusion, hatred and distrust amongst the Malays themselves. And finally there is PKR, a party led by a decadent individual who can't speak except with a forked tongue. Yet he is able to manipulate the other two political parties to serve his purpose.  

However, all is not well for them. Their masquerade is falling apart. The public is more and more seeing them for what they truly are and it is not a pretty picture. Nobody can lie to all of the people all of the time. They will fail and he will get his just desserts.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jamalul Kiram III and the opposition

Suddenly, not all is well in The Land Below the Wind. And this just because a pretender to the Sulu Sultanate, a that has long been blown away and scattered by the sands of time has, through some warped understanding of history, decided to claim Sabah as his own. 

Hence, the armed incursion into Sabah by his deluded but fanatic followers. Declared terrorists by their own Philippine Govt. they are now nothing but hunted outlaws.

Through cowardly deceit and ambush, they inflicted fatalities among a number our security officers and men that has caused immense sorrow to the bereaved families. There is anger and some consternation too, among Malaysians in general and Sabahans in particular. But this attack on the territorial integrity of Sabah has united Malaysians in their declaration of support for our armed forces in the defense of the nation's sovereignty.   

For the people of Lahad Datu, Kunak, Semporna and it's vicinity, this is a time of tribulation. For them, life is no more what it used to be. Many have had to leave their homes and seek shelter elsewhere. Some even just barely managed to escape with their lives and the clothes on their back and some others have been severely traumatized by the experience.   

It will take some time for normalcy to return. However, things will never be the same again. Not for Malaysians in the affected areas nor for people from the Sulu Islands either. They will not be free to come and go as they please as they have been doing for ages to trade and visit relatives.   

This armed incursion has rubbed on the raw nerves of patriotic Malaysians. I say patriotic Malaysians because there are amongst us those who are less so and even those who are not. These few are not difficult to identify. They do not grieve for our fallen heroes, they bear many perceived grudges, and carry a huge chip on their shoulder wherever they trudge. Amongst them are also those who would change our Jalur Gemilang and the National Anthem. Pathetic indeed they are.

They are followers of a certain politician whose most distinct trait is his ability to change colour, like the chameleon, to beguile the audience he faces. This person is trouble with a capital T. He will try his utmost this coming elections to create discontent, street protests and riots.   

Let us all be wary of this morally corrupt and scandalous individual, what he stands for, all the lies he habitually makes and do what is best, discard him.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pemimpin derhaka menggadai Agama, Maruah Bangsa dan Negara.

Hawa nafsu syahwat 
tamak haloba 
hasad dengki, jahat khianat

Kerananya, hanyut 
dan alpa
hilang ihsan, kebenaran,
tenggelam ke dalam
lubuk keji, kegelapan.

Hawa nafsu durjana,
dituruti ibarat api 
tidak bertepi
jauh tersisih, menyisihkan,
terhijab dari yg hak
dan keikhlasan.

Mata tidak lagi melihat
telinga tidak lagi mendengar
fikiran tidak lagi berlandasan
hati kematu perasaan, mati.

Hilang kehalusan budi
tidak ada lagi malu.
Diri menjadi bongkak
angkuh, takabur.
Insaf dibawa arus
terbenam, tiada lagi
Memohon maaf jauh sekali,
tergadai maruah,
punah musnah segala
harga diri.

Kerana nafsu mereka jahat 
durjana, derhaka.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

UN Secretary General's call to the Malaysian security forces and the Sulu terrorists.

It's alright for Mr Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the UN, to say whatever he likes from where he is. However, it certainly would do his office justice if he had looked at what happened in Lahad Datu, Sabah, according to the facts and chronology of events, so as to understand the events there in it's proper perspective. Making such calls as he did, is akin to shooting from the hip, is a slight on all Malaysians and a disservice to his post.

Ban Ki Moon should also know that both Governments, i.e Philippines and Malaysia have agreed that the Sulu intruders are terrorists and as such should be treated accordingly.  

The fact is, the Government of Malaysia negotiated with the armed intruders with patience over a period of three whole weeks. Immense restraint was observed on the part of the Malaysian Government and the negotiations was conducted in as amicable a manner as possible in order to resolve the matter without need for bloodshed.

Even so, in spite of Malaysia's restraint, good intentions and sincere effort at goodwill, Jamalul Kiram, against all good reason decided to attack Malaysia's security forces. They ambushed and killed 8 of Malaysia's security officers. Some of the bodies were later recovered severely mutilated.

The fact of the matter is that these undesirables intruded into Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia illegally. They came clandestinely. They came bearing arms. They came dressed in camouflage fatigues. They came in enough numbers to cause alarm and fear to the peaceful people living in the area. They caused disruption to normal life. They tried to hold villagers to ransom.  They made ludicrous demands on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Malaysia, an independent democratic nation.

The armed intruders foist on themselves the claim to represent the Sultanate of Sulu, a long ago defunct archipelagic kingdom. Their self styled leader, Jamalul Kiram 3 is a pretender to the Sultanate. He is not recognized by the legitimate heirs of the Sultanate, is incapacitated by renal failure and is surviving on Philippine Government welfare.

The fact is, the terrorists have caused unnecessary anxiety in Sabah and in the Philippines too. Filipinos working in Sabah, especially in the affected areas, are now unnecessarily anxious for their safety. Many are returning to the Philippines.

As a consequence Prime Minister Najib has declared a Special Security Area in order to allay the fears of the people of Sabah esp in Lahad Datu and it's vicinity. Many more army battalions and police personnel will now be stationed in the area in the SSA to safeguard the whole area.

The Prime Minister has declared that there will be no compromise on the issue of the Malaysia's territorial integrity and the safety of Malaysians.

The Prime Minister has stressed that they the intruders need to lay down their arms and surrender unconditionally. This is the only option for them. And it is still the best option.

Jamalul Kiram should be extradited to Malaysia where he will be charged accordingly and be given a fair trial. Insya'ALLAH this would put an end to his pretensions and stymie any other such ambition from any of his kind with similar urges.

Still, even more than Jamalul Kiram and the likes of him, the Government should be more wary now of politicians among the opposition leadership who wouldn't care to throw the country to the dogs just so that they get to assuage their selfish political ambitions.

Mr. Ban Ki Moon must realize that all Malaysian's are united in the resolve to defend the sovereignty of their country. For obvious reasons Mr. Ban Ki Moon ought to be more circumspect before making such calls in the future

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Malaysia is a Phenomenon.

The Aussie Senator Xenopon came and very quickly was shown the gate out. Maybe there are others like him, but of a lesser pedigree, who are already here unnoticed.

Xenopon was denied entry for poking his smelly nose where it was not wanted. He has a penchant for instigating disharmony between the races in Malaysia, considered an undesirable and because he is a foreigner, could very easily be asked to leave.  

There are amongst us Malaysians a few undesirables too, who aim to cause much more trouble between the races than Xenopon ever could. Under the guise of freedom of speech, and democracy these few prance about on the platform of politics to instigate, in order to raise suspicion, ill will and hatred btw the races.  

However, with these sorts of undesirables, there is nothing much the authorities can do. They are citizens. They cannot be shown the exit gate out of the country. Together with them are certain so called NGO's who aim to further their cause, to do damage to the existing good inter racial relations in order to benefit their own myopic and selfish motives. 

Malaysia is hailed amongst the international community for the fact that though the population is so racially and ethnically diverse, with each practicing their own religion, beliefs, customs and traditions, the country has been free from racial or inter ethnic strife for generations.  

People from other nations have come here in droves to witness for themselves this miracle, to bask in its warmth. Many more have come here unaware of this miracle and are pleasantly surprised.  

Leaders of many countries have made official visits to Malaysia, to see and experience for themselves the vibes of harmony and unity and to wonder and learn of its secrets so as to emulate it back home. 

We have done ourselves proud. Now, shouldn't we all, good Malaysians unreservedly, and with our utmost ability safeguard this marvel from those who seek to harm it?     

Still there are others who consider Malaysia a conundrum for the fact that many less racially divided populations are not doing quite as well to say the least. And that by way of precedence and experience Malaysia should be torn apart by racial discord and civil strife. Some even have the gall to say that Malaysia is a powder keg waiting to explode. Let them eat their own words and forever despair. Malaysians have proven time and time again, that challenges will only unite them and unite them all the more.    

As in the Constitution, Islam is the religion of the Federation. But unlike many other Muslim countries, Malaysia is not bogged down by the stigma that they are associated with. Malaysia alone, among the many, can stand firmly on the pedestal as the exception, an island of tranquility amidst storms. This is a phenomenon that many are wondering about.  

This 13th General Election will test our resolve again. There will be immense pressure to tear and pull us apart, to stampede on our sentiments and put blinkers on our eyes. We won't let them. They will fail. Insya'ALLAH. 

My youngest child is now in Form 1 in Convent Bukit Nanas (CBN). Recently she competed in her schools Choral Speaking event and it was my pleasure to audition her at home. The script is her own with help from the internet of course. I would like to share
with you what she committed to memory titled:  One Malaysia  

In thunder and lightening 
here we come. 
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
We the children of today 
present to you,  
One Malaysia. 
Malaysia is a multiracial country. 
A country that belongs to all             
With a shared history
and a belief in a shared future. 
U N I T Y - unity, 
only a five letter word, 
yet the foundation of 
multi racial Malaysia, 
a cultural melting pot. 
Udah makai nuan?  
Wa jiak pah liaw? 
A unique heritage of different          
Selamat Hari Raya. 
Gong Xi Fa Cai. 
Gayu Curu Gerai Nyamai. 
Diwali Vartikah. 
A blend unlike any in the world. 
We even have baju kurung, 
Cheongsam, Sari and many more. 
There are many Malaysians who have        
made us proud. 
Datuk' Jimmy Choo, the cheapest
pair cost at least RM3000. 
Datuk Bernard Chandran, the   
Fashion designer extrodinaire, 
Datuk Siti Norhaliza, the talented songbird, Datuk Michelle Yeoh the   Bond Girl. 
Malaysians love their food. 
The menu for breakfast lunch and            
dinner will be as varied as it's people. 
Popiah, char kuey tiaw, roti canai,   nasi lemak and teh
Next we have the beautiful places from the deep blue seas to tall
Malaysia is truly Asia.   

My daughter lost to a Form 2 competitor. 
But what does it matter. As a parent I say kudos to CBN and such like schools. We are parents must strive all we can to ensure our young ones a future much better than ours, insya’ALLAH.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lim Guan Eng dan Kalimah ALLAH

Saya sudah memperkatakan mengenai Lim Guan Eng dan kalimah ALLAH sebelum ini. Tetapi selain daripada itu, orang Islam diperintah ALLAH S.W.T untuk menunaikan solat 5 waktu dalam sehari, setiap hari, sehingga akhir hayatnya.

Pada permulaan solat, iaitu selepas seruan Azan atau Iqamat, sembahyang dimulakan dengan ucapan Takbiratul Ihram dan bacaan doa Iftitah. Saya petik sebahagian daripadanya yang bermaksud;

Sesungguhnya sembahyang ku, ibadat ku, hidup ku dan mati ku adalah untuk ALLAH Tuhan yang memelihara sekalian alam.

Tiada yang menyekutui bagiNya dan dengan itulah aku diperintah ALLAH dan adalah aku aku dari golongan orang-orang Islam.

Jadi dengan maksud itu, yang dilafazkan dan diperakui oleh setiap orang Islam pada waktu subuh, selepas waktu tgh hari, pada waktu petang, senja dan apabila malam tiba, permintaan Lim Guan Eng adalah permintaan yang tidak akan diizinkan oleh orang Islam. 

Permintaan Lim Guan Eng supaya orang Islam membenarkan kalimah ALLAH di gunakan dalam Bible adalah sama seperti meminta kebenaran daripada orang Islam untuk menyekutui ALLAH. Mnyekutui ALLAH adalah perbuatan syirik, dosa yang tidak diampunkan ALLAH. Orang Islam tidak akan membenarkannya.

Tidak ada sesiapa apa-apa yang dijadikan, makhluk yang hidup atau sudah mati atau apa-apapun, yang menyerupaiNYA. Kalimah ALLAH itu sendiri adalah singular tidak boleh dijadikan plural. Mana boleh disebut ALLAHs. Tidak pernah disebut begitu. Sangat janggal bunyinya dan tidak pernah dilakukan manusia. Namun seperti diketahui umum, lain halnya dengan God atau Lord kerana bagi perkataan-perkataan itu ada pluralnya iaitu Gods dan Lords. Father jadi Fathers, Son jadi Sons, ghost jadi ghost dan spirit jadi spirits. Begitulah halnya dengan yang selain daripada ALLAH.

Kita janganlah keliru atau dikelirukan oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan sekutu sekutunya lagi. Anwar Ibrahim akan setuju dengan apa sahaja untuk meraih undi dan mendapat simpati pihak-pihak tertentu. Dia setuju dengan plurisme agama dan juga menyokong LGBT. Di dalam Al-Quran ALLAH ada berfirman mengenai umat-umat yang menerima azab dan dibinasakan. Umat Nabi Lut  atau the Prophet Lot dalam Bahasa Inggerisnya dan Sodom and Gomorrah telah dibinasakan ALLAH. Al-Quran itu adalah peringatan dan pengajaran kepada umat manusia yang berakal dan beriman.

Kita tidak boleh ikut cara barat seperti England, France dan selainya yang membenarkan segalanya atas dasar kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia. Tamadun
Barat semakin tidak berpedoman. Agama Christian mereka sudah dianggap
kuno dan tidak sesuai untuk dianuti mereka. Perbuatan dan perkara yang dilarang dalam Bible sekarang dibolehkan. Bible sudah tidak lagi dijadikan panduan.  Akidah Umat Islam akan rosak binasa jika menuruti perlakuan mereka. Hindarkanlah diri kita daripada kemurkaan ALLAH, daripada perbuatan mungkar yang akan membawa bala bencana kepada kita semua.  

Orang-orang Islam yang setuju dengan permintaan Lim Guan Eng dan DAP dan Anwar Ibrahim dan PKR supaya kalimah ALLAH dibenarkan dalam Bible melakukan syirik dan boleh jatuh murtad. 

Kita mesti sentiasa berwaspada terhadap anasir-anasir jahat seperti Lim Guan Eng dan DAP yang memang gemar memainkan isu-isu perkauman dan agama untuk mengapi-apikan rakyat supaya curiga mencurigai. Isu-isu seperti ini jika tidak dibendung oleh pihak yang berwajib boleh membawa padah buruk kepada keharmonian masyarakat majmuk negara ini.

Perbuatan Lim Guan Eng dalam isu kalimah ALLAH ini bolehlah diibaratkan sebagai usaha subsersif yang bertujuan untuk menimbulkan keadaan tidak tenteram dalam negara.

Orang Islam, janganlah kerana tamak kepada dunia, kuasa dan jawatan, sanggup memusnahkan akidah dan menjual agama. Biarlah waras dalam berpolitik. 

Kepada PAS, cukup cukuplah.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Analisis Y.B Datuk Sri Dr. Ahmad Hamidi, Menteri Pertahanan dalam Utasan Malaysia pada hari semalam menyingkap dan sekaligus mendedahkan segala aspek kekeliruan PAS sebagai sebuah parti politik yang mendakwa berwadahkan Islam. Saya muat naikkan analisis tersebut dalam blog saya kerana nada/bahasa yang digunakan bagi merungkai segala perbuatan songsang pemimpin PAS sangat sederhana.

Fatwa Politik Bohongi Pengikut

Parti-parti politik semakin rancak menjalankan operasi untuk mempengaruhi pengundi dengan pelbagai pendekatan. 

Asas utama untuk mendapat sokongan undi datangnya daripada penyokong tegar parti masing-masing sebagai simpanan tetap.

Penyokong tegar terdiri daripada pengikut yang taksub. Mereka akan mematuhi dengan penuh komitmen sebarang arahan dan pendapat daripada para pemimpin, biarpun pandangan peribadi kerana pemimpin telah menanam ketaksuban kepada pengikut.

Pengikut taksub akan akur pada setiap pandangan pemimpin mereka secara membuta-tuli, walaupun pandangan itu jauh tersasar daripada fatwa ulamak muktabar berlandaskan hukum agama, sebaliknya cenderung kepada hanya sebagai fatwa politik.

Pengikut yang taksub seperti ini amat sukar untuk digoyah kerana keyakinan yang amat mendalam kepada pemimpin, apatah lagi jika pemimpin itu dianggap pemimpin spiritual.

Dalam teori kepimpinan dan teori kepengikutan, terdapat dua elemen penting yang menjadi asas kepada kedua-dua teori ini, iaitu pemimpin dan pengikut.

Dalam bahasa mudah, pemimpin merupakan individu dan kumpulan yang memimpin. Pengikut pula merupakan individu atau kumpulan yang menjadi pengikut. Tiada pemimpin yang tiada pengikut, sebaliknya pengikut tanpa pemimpin boleh wujud secara bersendirian tanpa pemimpin.

Tidak seorang pun akan mendapat gelaran pemimpin jika tidak terdapat pengikut. Pemimpin dipilih, dilantik atau mengangkat dirinya sendiri untuk menjadi pemimpin.

Pemimpin akan mendapat pengiktirafan pengikut, sama ada secara terhormat atau secara terpaksa. Malah terdapat dalam kalangan pemimpin yang memaksa secara halus bagi mewujudkan pengikut tegar dengan mentaksubkan mereka untuk menerima apa juga pegangan pemimpin, biarpun menyalahi perundangan negara.

Sesebuah organisasi, apatah lagi organisasi politik akan mempengaruhi ahli-ahli yang menjadi pengikut untuk meyakini perjuangan politik yang dibawa dengan matlamat untuk mencapai cita-cita politik organisasi atau individu.

Pemimpin organisasi politik akan menanamkan keyakinan kepada pengikut yang menjadi ahli organisasinya dengan mewujudkan ketaatsetiannya yang tidak berbelah bahagi. Ia dilakukan melalui interaksi interpersonal dengan menjalin keakraban, kursus perkaderan dan latihan simulasi.

Segala-galanya digarap bagi menanam ketaksuban dan pada waktu yang sama menanam kebencian kepada musuh politik dan membenihkan ketaatan kepada pemimpin sendiri.

Ketaksuban yang melampau diindoktrinasikan agar pengikut mudah untuk diyakinkan bahawa sebarang tindakan yang mereka lakukan merupakan suatu jihad dan mendapat balasan syurga, biarpun sebenarnya tidak lebih daripada gimik politik.

Kerap kali juga terdapat unsur pemaksaan secara halus agar ketaatan dan ketaksuban dalam kalangan pengikut supaya mereka mudah mengikut arahan.

Unsur paksaan termasuk isteri boleh tercerai jika pengikut lari untuk meninggalkan jemaah perjuangan, tambahan pula jika lari mengikuti parti lain.

Mengugut dengan bai'ah (perjanjian) jika tidak mematuhi kepimpinan menjadi kelaziman dengan menggunakan ayat al-Quran untuk menghalalkan tindakan mereka.
Sedangkan hukuman yang terdapat dalam ayat al-Quran hanya menyentuh dalam kalangan mereka yang meninggalkan medan peperangan ketika zaman Rasulullah dalam memerangi golongan kafirun.

Jika terdapat di antara pengikut, biarpun mereka itu pernah menganggotai barisan saf kepimpinan utama, dihukum dengan mengambil tindakan menggugurkan jawatan kerana hanya mengikuti pemimpin parti lain untuk mendekatkan diri dengan kumpulan ulama di Makkah al Mukarramah atau mengikuti rombongan ke Gaza, Palestin atas asas menterjemahkan keprihatinan keperimanusiaan.

Menggantung keahlian menjadi tindakan lazim yang selanjutnya. Ia bertujuan agar pengikut akan meninggalkan parti tanpa perlu dipecat. Tindakan ini akan dipandang bahawa parti tidak zalim, tetapi sebaliknya pengikut itu yang menzalimi diri sendiri.

Tindakan selanjutnya adalah dengan memecat keahlian atau keanggotaan parti. Hukuman ke atas pengikut dilaksanakan sebagai langkah memurnikan keputusan jawatankuasa disiplin yang kononnya bagi memberikan hukuman terakhir dengan tujuan untuk mengajar ahli-ahli lain supaya tidak berbeza pendapat dengan pemimpin.

Pemimpin yang berstatus "maksum" dan dipercayai oleh pengikutnya tidak pernah melakukan kesalahan (can do no wrong) akan disanjung, seolah-olah sama taraf dengan Nabi yang bersifat sempurna.

Pemimpin akan menggunakan ketaksuban yang tertanam dengan kukuh dalam kalangan pengikutnya untuk mengiyakan sebarang lontaran pendapat seolah-olah sebagai fatwa, biarpun ia hanya merupakan pendapat peribadi.

Atas sifat ketaksuban, pendapat peribadi sering dirujuk sebagai fatwa mutlak, biarpun ia hanya sekadar fatwa politik. Malang sekali pengikut yang taksub tidak layak untuk mempertikaikan fatwa politik yang dikeluarkan, biarpun terkeluar daripada akidah Islam sebenar.

Lazimnya, sama ada di bawah sedar atau disengajakan, pemimpin maksum akan memberikan pendapat peribadi berdasarkan tafsiran sendiri terhadap makna sesuatu perkataan atau ayat yang hanya berlandaskan logik akalnya, tanpa terdapat relevansinya dengan ilmu mantik.

Ketika pemimpin menghadapi pengamal media sama ada media konvensional atau media sosial, kerap kali akan menghamburkan pandangannya dengan penuh emosi dan nada menyindir.

Pemimpin berkenaan akan memetik ayat- ayat Al-Quran tertentu sebagai sandaran untuk menyokong pendapat peribadinya. Ini dilakukan agar pendapat peribadinya kelihatan lebih berkredibiliti.

Pemimpin yang dianggap maksum akan menjatuhkan hukum dengan hukuman munafik atau murtad, jika pendapatnya disanggah atau bertentangan dengan tafsirannya.

Melalui badan syura, pemimpin akan mempengaruhi pengikut lain, apatah lagi di kalangan yang taksub untuk turut menghukum individu yang menyanggah dan berbeza pendapat.

Pemimpin akan menggunakan pengaruh dan kuasa dengan sepenuhnya. Melalui kedudukannya dalam parti, pemimpin utama akan menggunakan platform kuasanya atau portfolio berpaksikan hujah untuk menjatuhkan hukuman.

Kerap kali kerana terasa tercabar kredibilitinya sebagai pemimpin maksum, pemimpin akan terus menggunakan kedudukannya melalui portfolio yang diketuainya untuk mengesahkan hukumannya dengan menggunakan rakan-rakan seportfolio dengannya supaya menyetujui tindakannya.

Jika pemimpin itu menyedari pendapatnya tidak diterima atau bercanggah dengan hukum Islam sebenar, pemimpin itu akan menyalahkan pihak lain terutamanya media perdana, jika pendapat dan fatwa politiknya bersalahan dengan kehendak akar umbi atau majlis syura.

Malang sekali, biarpun bersalah dalam fatwa politiknya, pemimpin-pemimpin berkenaan tidak menarik balik kenyataan, jauh sekali daripada meminta maaf jika fatwa politiknya terpaksa ditukar.

Pemimpin politik yang mengetuai organisasi politik yang bukan berasaskan agama akan dituduh munafik dan berfikiran jahiliah serta taghut jika menyanggah kenyataan pemimpin parti yang berasaskan Islam.

Biarpun pemimpin yang bertopengkan ulama terus membohongi pengikut, tetapi mereka terus dianggap memperolehi hidayah baharu untuk menjustifikasikan pendirian baharunya kerana fatwa politik terdahulu bertentangan dengan hukum sebenar.

Fatwa politik digunakan untuk membohongi pengikut. Pembohongan yang dilakukan semata-mata bagi mencapai matlamat politik, membohongi pengikut dengan menggunakan agama untuk mencapai matlamat politik.

Sepatutnya platform politik digunakan untuk memperkuatkan agama bukan sebaliknya. Jelas, Islam melarang sama sekali penggunaan agama untuk memperkukuhkan kedudukan politik.

Kesedaran baharu yang timbul dalam kalangan ramai pengikut menyebabkan pemimpin resah dengan mengambil langkah- langkah menyerang musuh politik sebagai kafir.

Sedangkan tindakan mereka bersekongkol dengan pemimpin parti lain yang terang- terang tidak menyetujui keputusan majlis syura terus menjadi teman sejati.

Tunggulah ketikanya, apabila pengikut yang terus dibohongi akan menghukum pemimpin mereka melalui peti undi.

DATUK SERI DR AHMAD ZAHID HAMIDI ialah Naib Presiden UMNO dan Menteri Pertahanan

Saturday, February 2, 2013

PAKATAN is All Charade and Bluster.

PAKATAN is campaigning for the voters to give them a try at forming the next government. They plead and coax for the people to give them this one chance with the condition that if they do not deliver on their promises, the rakyat could always throw them out after 5 yrs.  

Five years however, is a rather long time in terms of governing a country. During that period irreparable damage could be done. Currently, PAKATAN is the government in several states. Their performance after almost 5 yrs though, is dismally poor, to say the least. In Selangor especially, PAKATAN's manifesto are all now just so much bunkum. The Menteri Besar seems to be at a loss in many instances. He is up to his nostrils with issues he can't solve. He is even now facing legal action on several counts due to unfulfilled promises and for misleading the people. Given this bad record, it certainly would be foolhardy and an unnecessary risk to let PAKATAN win the elections in Selangor again. 

Another ruse popular with PAKATAN is that they say the BN has been there for too long and that a change would do the country good. But what sort of change are they offering? They have nothing to show for themselves. Unabashedly, however, they continue to make pledges and promises to bait voters, all of which upon scrutiny is farcical.  

Give PAKATAN the country and they will make it go bust in no time. It will be like the Malay proverb, seperti tikus membaiki labu or more aptly seperti kera mendapat bunga. It will surely be destroyed.   

Anwar and his ilk realises that PAKATAN is losing voter confidence everyday for minus all the bluster it has not much else to show. Also, they are so diversely opposed to each other that everyday the cracks between them are growing wider.  

PAS is an intolerant and orthodox party that does not condone freedom of expression or dissent, even within it's ranks. DAP is a chauvinist Chinese party. What is common between them is their desire for Chinese and Malay votes. If not for that they are as opposed to each other as can be, whilst PKR is for pluralism and LGBT which is alien to a vast majority of Malaysians but Anwar hoists it under the guise of human rights.

PAKATAN leaders would try to make a show of accommodating each other, but the charade is so blatantly obvious that nobody is fooled anymore except for the blinkered hardcore.  

PAS supporters at the grassroots, now more than ever, are voicing their dissent. They have lost face because their leaders are fawning and submissive in the presence of DAP leaders. They also feel betrayed because Islam has been pawned for Chinese votes.  The political parties within PAKATAN’s tolerance for each other are only held together by their desire to. 

The BN on the other hand has helmed this country well through the years ever since independence. During bad times and during crisis the BN has proven itself courageous and wise.  It's track record cannot be gainsaid and the country is today a symbol of prosperity and progress. There are countries that look to Malaysia for guidance and many also wish to emulate the country's success.  

BN does not promise the people Utopia. No temporal government can promise that. There have been/are shortcomings. There is no denying that. But every effort is made to remedy them and make things right and better. 

Since Najib became PM, he has transformed the government by introducing new ways of thinking and doing things. Serving the people well is his first priority. He has made brave political and social changes to fulfill the peoples aspirations.  

On the economic front, he has initiated a slew of innovative initiatives that has enabled the country to enjoy strong growth despite the very unfavorable conditions globally.  

The BN today is not the Alliance Party it once was. It has evolved to meet the peoples expectations and changing demands albeit without sacrificing it's founding principles. As a political entity it is dynamic and thus has kept itself in tune with the changing political environment, the wishes of the people and the challenges facing the world. It learns, unlearns and relearns and this has kept and made BN relevant despite the times.   

I have no prejudice towards Kit Siang, Karpal, Hj. Hadi, or Nik Aziz, leaders of PAKATAN. But each one and all of them do not strike confidence in me. They all have been there for far longer than they ought to be. Now they are feeble in mind and body, not unlike the political parties they lead, which also have become archaic in mode, thought and action.       

PAKATAN opposes the BN for the sake of opposing. It's not about policies or principles at all. For how else could Lim Kit Siang blame UMNO, BN Ministers and leaders for the tragedy that befell the unfortunate child William Yau Zhen Zhong. Just what was going on in his mind at the time when he uttered those words? If there is fault anywhere, then it must surely lie with the parents. For Kit Siang to blame UMNO firstly is just so irrational. But this is the sort of opposition the country has. The sort that disparages the country anywhere and anytime. Yet they deem themselves fit to run the country and is asking the rakyat to trust them.  

Come the 13th General Elections voters must evaluate and think rationally. Emotions must not be allowed to hold sway. Sentiments must be discarded.  

Let’s not take unnecessary risks when what is at stake is the very future of our beloved country. So I say, lets vote for unity and harmony, progress and prosperity, which only the BN can deliver. 

DAP & Tunku Zain

In the papers a few days back, Tunku Zain Al Abidin, son of Tuanku Muhriz the Yang Di Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan confessed that he was approached by the DAP. This only after Tunku Aziz, formerly a top official of the DAP, exposed the matter earlier. 

Now, it is interesting to discover why the DAP is paying special attention to Tunku Zain. There must be certain traits peculiar only to Tunku Zain that has endeared him and made him that desirable to the DAP. Surely among the many must be that the DAP deem him malleable to their schemes. For if Tunku Aziz himself, a man of wide experience and a veteran, could be summarily dismissed for voicing dissent, Tunku Zain who is still wet behind the ears, wouldn't be too difficult to deal with and make compliant.  

Besides, Tunku Zain has been on record disparaging UMNO by calling it a parasite. This too certainly would be among the important considerations before the DAP decided to send YB Loke as an emissary to offer the MB's post to him should he stand as a DAP candidate in the coming elections. However, all is still well for Tunku Zain because he had the good sense to turn down the offer.

I may be wrong but it will also not be too much if Tunku Zain could also have the good sense to discard his holier than thou attitude with regard to UMNO.  

For the DAP Tunku Zain would be a good catch, and that is all there is to it. They have no respect at all for the royalty. Finally it is good that the DAP offer of the MB’s post has not gone to his head, hopefully.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dewan Ulama PAS, Lim Guan Eng dan Anwar

Pendirian Dewan Ulama PAS selari dengan peringatan Timbalam Mursyidul Am PAS, Haron Din bahawa tindakan merendahkan kalimah ALLAH, digunakan untuk agama lain, boleh menyebabkan jatuh syirik kerana perbuatan itu dianggap kufur.  

Alhamdullilah, akhirnya PAS sedar juga. Walaupun bagi kebanyakkan orang Islam perkara ini memang sudah difahami dan menjadi pengetahuan umum.

Tertempelak juga Nik Aziz dan Hadi Awang terpaksa membuat pusingan U. Walaupun tidak digemari terpaksa akur dan menerima kebenaran ini, kalau tidak mereka mungkin ditinggalkan oleh ahli-ahli parti mereka sendiri.   

Tetapi Anwar Ibrahim tetap dengan kesombongan dan keangkuhannya. Dia seorang yang tidak pernah berasa bersalah membuat kesilapan dan tidak pernah mahu meminta maaf. Dia rela dianggap jatuh syirik dari ditinggalkan DAP.  

Isu-isu yang di perjuangkan Anwar seperti pluralism dan LGBT yang bertopengkan human rights, jauh menyimpang dari agama Islam dan tidak diredhai ALLAH. Akhirnya dialah yang akan rugi sebesar-besar rugi. 

Bibit-bibit kemusnahan PKR sudah semakin nyata kerana tipu helah Anwar semakin terdedah kerana bangkai gajah tak mungkin dapat ditutup dengan nyiru. Jika terus bergantung kepada DAP orang Melayu akan tinggalkan dia kerana DAP adalah parti Cina yang chauvanist. Nak berharap kapada orang Melayu PAS mereka semakin tidak sehaluan kerana ahli-ahli PAS sudah semakin sedar bahawa mereka dan agama Islam telah terlampau diperkuda.

Kini semakin ramai ahli-ahli PAS diperingkat akar umbi yang berani tampil membantah pendirian pemimpin-pemimpin mereka yang bersekongkol dengan Anwar. Titik pertemuan yang mereka harapkan untuk menyatupadukan parti-parti dalam PAKATAN semakin terhakis. 

Perbezaan di antara parti-parti dalam PAKATAN semakin ketara. Harapan untuk saling kukuh mengkukuhkan semakin goyah. Retak sudah lama, kini tunggu belah. Tidak ada apa-apa yang tinggal lagi diantara mereka melainkan curiga-mencurigai dan pertelingkahan.

Anwar dan DAP yang memusuhi Islam merancang untuk memporak perandakan negara Islam ini. Tetapi ALLAH yang Maha Mengatahui akan segala rancangan dan niat jahat mereka tidak mengizinkannya.

Walaubagaimana hebat sekalipun perancangan Anwar dan musuh-musuh Islam untuk merosakan syiar Islam di negara ini, tentu akan gagal kerana ALLAH tidak mengizinkannya.

Kita patut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Lim Guan Eng kerana membantu
menyedarkan orang-orang Islam PAS betapa agama mereka sudah diperkotak katikkan
oleh DAP dan PKR selama ini.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Malaysia is Not Free from Foreign Interference

I opine that Malaysia is not free from foreign interference because we are a Muslim country. Malaysia is doubly not free from a certain foreign interference because we have been consistently bold and forceful in opposing Zionism, it's very inhumane oppression of the people of Palestine and its excessive suppression of the rights of Palestine.

I also opine that whilst most Muslim countries elsewhere are like unto a house of cards, it's just not permissible to certain quarters that one country, Malaysia, stand out as an example of stability and progress. And where even though the society is plural, the people multiracial, where various religious beliefs and practices is the norm, there is harmony and goodwill.

Islam in Malaysia is not oppressive and never oppresses. And the Malays who are Muslims and form the majority of the population have always been generous and accommodating. This is Malaysia’s trait. It is unique and it is a rare trait among the community of nations.

The PM's initiative in calling for moderates to come to the fore and for the voice of moderation to rise and be heard is increasingly being appreciated internationally and this is unwelcome to them.  Muslims by definition must be extremists and stereotyped as terrorists. A Muslim country by their definition must be backward, unstable, weak and dependant.

However, Malaysia is the exception. The immense progress the country has achieved during the short time since independence is unacceptable. Thus, a successful Muslim country is anathema to them and no effort at subterfuge should be spared to bring it into the mould and stigma prevailing of a Muslim country that is, weak, unstable, backward and dependant. 

It is to their chagrin when the voice of leaders of Malaysia is recognised and respected in international fora. Malaysia's call for Muslim unity, moderation, progress and justice for all peoples often gets due attention. And this is despicable to some. For this and other reasons which time and space does not permit me to record here, I dare opine that there will be foreign interference in the soon to be 13th General Election. Interference has indeed come in the form of funds for opposition parties. The opposition have in fact already been receiving financial aid under various guises from various foreign sources.

These monies have been used for their campaigns and propaganda to instill disenchantment among the people, to create civil disorder and distrust for the BN government. 

The 13th General Election will be the mother of all elections, for Anwar especially. This will be his last and final attempt before the door finally closes on his ambition to become PM, before all his lies, numerous sex scandals and court cases catch up on him. 

This coming General Election will be a desperate one for him and his sympathisers.  There is bound to be extreme acts of provocation to create disorder during the campaign period and attempts to accuse the BN of vote rigging and whatever else when the elections results are declared.  It is therefore a good pre emptive move by the SPR to bring in as many independent observers from other countries to observe the elections.

As the countdown for the 13th General Election begins, lets hope and pray that rational thinking and good sense will prevail, that Malaysians will deny foreign interference and their agents their vile and base agenda for the country.