Sunday, March 24, 2013

Another Tsunami?

The 13th GE will be any day now. Any day the PM decides to dissolve Parliament will be a good day.  There is confidence for BN.   

In the mainstream print media one can see infectious goodwill for BN. The voting public believes that BN will perform much better in this GE than the last.   

Still, every seat will be bitterly contested even though the opposition is in disarray.
However, this does not detract from the fact that there is a general perception that the BN has a more than even chance of regaining its 2/3 majority.   

This mostly is due to the PM's own very innovative government policies, his strategies at reaching out to the people, all of which has been so well received and which, of course is the bane and envy of Pakatan.

Pakatan is in mess now. They carry on their heads many controversial issues, all of which of their own doing and because of which they have become stymied and gasping for a remedy. It's like every time they open their mouths they put their foot into it. Blaming the BN for everything, accusing the BN of conspiracy all the time, is not working anymore. People are getting tired of listening to the same old story and seeing the same old show. In Pakatan ruled states especially, many are even taking to the streets, protesting and demanding answers.

The individual upon whom DAP and PAS hope could galvanize their so disparate political ideologies in order to challenge BN, is now proven an amoral person. So, except for the diminishing number of diehards, those harboring political ambitions by riding on his back and those who depend on him for their bread and butter, his flaws are so exposed. Like the king with no clothes on, everybody, excepting the members of his court, can see him doe what he truly is and they are averse to the sight.

All that is needed now is for BN to avoid the pitfalls of the last elections and put their shoulders together.

BN has all the criteria that the people want of a govt. The country needs able leaders who can deliver on their promises, who can ensure continued stability and progress for a future that is better and brighter for all. As a government, BN has a proven track record and a tradition of success that other countries seek to emulate.

Voters are now better informed and smart enough to separate the chaff that is Pakatan.  

A rather peculiar trait amongst Pakatan leaders is that they are never contrite for whatever folly they have caused as though they have carte blanche over everything. These are dubious characters and shouldn't be trusted let alone entrust to them the governance of this country.      

Insya'ALLAH. This time around, the tsunami will hit DAP, PAS and Keadilan.

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