Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hajat Prayers and PAS

PAS is now realizing, more than ever, that the cracks at their seams is getting worse. They know that they grassroots are becoming disenchanted with PAS's kowtowing policies towards PAKATAN and how they seem impotent in the face of DAP and PKR.

The leadership realize more and more, that fence sitters are turning towards UMNO and BN, and that the rakyat can very easily see that PAS is playing 2nd fiddle to PKR and DAP.

PAS might want to leave PAKATAN, but realize that it's too late to do so now, without facing even worse consequences.

They are in a hole from which they cannot extricate themselves. This election could very well be the straw that breaks PAS. They are worried.

So they resort to the sembahyang hajat. They pray for ALLAH to come to their aid to destroy UMNO/BN by accusing the BN government of being zalim. In this effort, Hadi quoted the Al Quran, saying that ALLAH will lend support in the destruction of government that is zalim to it's people, i.e. the BN.

This hajat prayers is a political gimmick of course, but nevertheless it shows how desperate PAS has become. It might just influence some of PAS's extreme fringe to take matters into their own hands come the General Elections.

This is dangerous desperation,because by using divine support to legitimate their crusade and by accusing UMNO as zalim, PAS is signaling to it's supporters that any means they resort to, to destroy UMNO/BN will be regarded as having ALLAH's sanction and therefore legitimate.

PAS could very well be leading it's supporters and maybe encouraging them, to create incidents that might cause instability in the country now that Anwar's Arab Spring, on the back of BERSIH has just flopped.

PAS's actions and tactics, at the top and on the ground, has always been cause for apprehension. This time around, it has become worrisome.

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