Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Inevitable

So the Dooms Day as predicted by the Mayan Calendar has come and gone and yet life continues as it is. The earth and all other celestial forms up on high have not perished.  

Many must have waited with apprehension and trepidation for the coming of the hour as so foretold. There were some who even went to the extent of being ludicrous in their preparation to escape the calamity. How inane people can be.  There have been other predictions before by various soothsayers. The pages of history will tell. People have been cowed into following them with the hope that their souls might be saved from perdition.  

Cults have been established too, by charlatans, that ended with terribly disastrous consequences for it's members.  

There will surely be many other Dooms Day predictions to come but just as with all the previous ones it will be false.  

Good Muslims have never believed in such predictions. This is because it has already been clearly stated in the Quran that knowledge of the Hour belongs only to ALLAH, the All Knowing and no one else, without exception. Not even the angels and the prophets of God know of it's coming. It is also stated in Al Quran that Dooms Day when it comes, will come all of a sudden, like the blink of an eye.   

"O’ Muhammad. They ask u about the Hour of Doom and when will it take place. Say: Knowledge about it only rests with my Rabb. No one can disclose it's proper time except Him. Heavy is it's weight in the heavens and the earth. It will not come gradually but all of a sudden. They ask you as if you yourself were in search of it.

Tell them: The knowledge about it rests only with ALLAH though most people do not understand." (Al Quran 7:182-188 )  Good Muslims do not fear it's coming because it has been foretold in the Quran and that it is inevitable. Also, all Muslims believe that they will meet their Maker on the Day of Judgment to account for their deeds in this transient life. There is no escaping this.          

Anyone in search of the eternal truth and knowledge must read the Quran for it has been clearly written down for all discerning people.

The end of existence, of all creation, will surely arrive. Nothing that exists can escape it. Not even if man can reach the furthest reaches of the universe because when the Time comes the universe will collapse upon itself. Good Muslims do not fear it's coming because they will be protected from the horror of the Calamity. There will be another life. This next life is by far much better, beyond description and eternal.  

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