Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dewan Ulama PAS, Lim Guan Eng dan Anwar

Pendirian Dewan Ulama PAS selari dengan peringatan Timbalam Mursyidul Am PAS, Haron Din bahawa tindakan merendahkan kalimah ALLAH, digunakan untuk agama lain, boleh menyebabkan jatuh syirik kerana perbuatan itu dianggap kufur.  

Alhamdullilah, akhirnya PAS sedar juga. Walaupun bagi kebanyakkan orang Islam perkara ini memang sudah difahami dan menjadi pengetahuan umum.

Tertempelak juga Nik Aziz dan Hadi Awang terpaksa membuat pusingan U. Walaupun tidak digemari terpaksa akur dan menerima kebenaran ini, kalau tidak mereka mungkin ditinggalkan oleh ahli-ahli parti mereka sendiri.   

Tetapi Anwar Ibrahim tetap dengan kesombongan dan keangkuhannya. Dia seorang yang tidak pernah berasa bersalah membuat kesilapan dan tidak pernah mahu meminta maaf. Dia rela dianggap jatuh syirik dari ditinggalkan DAP.  

Isu-isu yang di perjuangkan Anwar seperti pluralism dan LGBT yang bertopengkan human rights, jauh menyimpang dari agama Islam dan tidak diredhai ALLAH. Akhirnya dialah yang akan rugi sebesar-besar rugi. 

Bibit-bibit kemusnahan PKR sudah semakin nyata kerana tipu helah Anwar semakin terdedah kerana bangkai gajah tak mungkin dapat ditutup dengan nyiru. Jika terus bergantung kepada DAP orang Melayu akan tinggalkan dia kerana DAP adalah parti Cina yang chauvanist. Nak berharap kapada orang Melayu PAS mereka semakin tidak sehaluan kerana ahli-ahli PAS sudah semakin sedar bahawa mereka dan agama Islam telah terlampau diperkuda.

Kini semakin ramai ahli-ahli PAS diperingkat akar umbi yang berani tampil membantah pendirian pemimpin-pemimpin mereka yang bersekongkol dengan Anwar. Titik pertemuan yang mereka harapkan untuk menyatupadukan parti-parti dalam PAKATAN semakin terhakis. 

Perbezaan di antara parti-parti dalam PAKATAN semakin ketara. Harapan untuk saling kukuh mengkukuhkan semakin goyah. Retak sudah lama, kini tunggu belah. Tidak ada apa-apa yang tinggal lagi diantara mereka melainkan curiga-mencurigai dan pertelingkahan.

Anwar dan DAP yang memusuhi Islam merancang untuk memporak perandakan negara Islam ini. Tetapi ALLAH yang Maha Mengatahui akan segala rancangan dan niat jahat mereka tidak mengizinkannya.

Walaubagaimana hebat sekalipun perancangan Anwar dan musuh-musuh Islam untuk merosakan syiar Islam di negara ini, tentu akan gagal kerana ALLAH tidak mengizinkannya.

Kita patut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Lim Guan Eng kerana membantu
menyedarkan orang-orang Islam PAS betapa agama mereka sudah diperkotak katikkan
oleh DAP dan PKR selama ini.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Malaysia is Not Free from Foreign Interference

I opine that Malaysia is not free from foreign interference because we are a Muslim country. Malaysia is doubly not free from a certain foreign interference because we have been consistently bold and forceful in opposing Zionism, it's very inhumane oppression of the people of Palestine and its excessive suppression of the rights of Palestine.

I also opine that whilst most Muslim countries elsewhere are like unto a house of cards, it's just not permissible to certain quarters that one country, Malaysia, stand out as an example of stability and progress. And where even though the society is plural, the people multiracial, where various religious beliefs and practices is the norm, there is harmony and goodwill.

Islam in Malaysia is not oppressive and never oppresses. And the Malays who are Muslims and form the majority of the population have always been generous and accommodating. This is Malaysia’s trait. It is unique and it is a rare trait among the community of nations.

The PM's initiative in calling for moderates to come to the fore and for the voice of moderation to rise and be heard is increasingly being appreciated internationally and this is unwelcome to them.  Muslims by definition must be extremists and stereotyped as terrorists. A Muslim country by their definition must be backward, unstable, weak and dependant.

However, Malaysia is the exception. The immense progress the country has achieved during the short time since independence is unacceptable. Thus, a successful Muslim country is anathema to them and no effort at subterfuge should be spared to bring it into the mould and stigma prevailing of a Muslim country that is, weak, unstable, backward and dependant. 

It is to their chagrin when the voice of leaders of Malaysia is recognised and respected in international fora. Malaysia's call for Muslim unity, moderation, progress and justice for all peoples often gets due attention. And this is despicable to some. For this and other reasons which time and space does not permit me to record here, I dare opine that there will be foreign interference in the soon to be 13th General Election. Interference has indeed come in the form of funds for opposition parties. The opposition have in fact already been receiving financial aid under various guises from various foreign sources.

These monies have been used for their campaigns and propaganda to instill disenchantment among the people, to create civil disorder and distrust for the BN government. 

The 13th General Election will be the mother of all elections, for Anwar especially. This will be his last and final attempt before the door finally closes on his ambition to become PM, before all his lies, numerous sex scandals and court cases catch up on him. 

This coming General Election will be a desperate one for him and his sympathisers.  There is bound to be extreme acts of provocation to create disorder during the campaign period and attempts to accuse the BN of vote rigging and whatever else when the elections results are declared.  It is therefore a good pre emptive move by the SPR to bring in as many independent observers from other countries to observe the elections.

As the countdown for the 13th General Election begins, lets hope and pray that rational thinking and good sense will prevail, that Malaysians will deny foreign interference and their agents their vile and base agenda for the country.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

DAP dan Sikap Pengundi Cina

Pada tinjauan rambang suasana politik yang saya lakukan bersama kawan-kawan di Negeri Sembilan baru-baru ini, rata-rata mengatakan DAP akan dapat mempertahankan kesemua 11 kerusi DUN mereka termasuk kerusi Parlimen Rasah. BN hanya berpeluang untuk menawan semula kerusi Parlimen Seremban. 

MCA dan GERAKAN masih tidak dapat memenangi keyakinan majoriti pengundi Cina. Ini dikatakan bukan kerana BN tidak melayan tuntutan kaum Cina tetapi kerana mereka sudah melihat apa yang boleh mereka lakukan apabila berkuasa.  

Di Pulau Pinang, di Perak walaupun sekejap sahaja dan walaupun MBnya Melayu dan begitu juga di Selangor, yang sebenarnya berkuasa adalah DAP.  PRU kali ini adalah peluang terbaik untuk mereka mendapatkan kuasa kerana orang Melayu dalam keadaan paling lemah dan berpecah. Saya khuatir rata-rata inilah sikap pengundi Cina di bandar, dan memang pun orang Cina majoritinya tinggal di bandar.

Saya juga khuatir kaum Cina merasakan jika keadaan politik kekal status quo, yakni, seperti sekarang ini, mereka tidak akan kerugian apa-apa. Kerajaan kini mendahulukan rakyat, tuntutan kaum Cina akan diberi perhatian dan mereka terus menerima bermacam-macam habuan dan bantuan seperti yang dijanjikan Kerajaan BN yang menepati janji.   

Selain daripada itu, ekonomi negara terus berkembang pesat, walaupun dalam keadaan ekonomi dunia yang tidak berapa menentu. Pengusaha, pekedai, pemaju, pengilang, pemborong, peruncit semuanya dapat mengaut keuntungan.   

Kestabilan politik dan keselamatan negara juga masih terpelihara, rakyat terus menikmati keamanan dan kemakmuran. Jadi apa perlunya mereka mengubah keadaan ini dan memberi lebih undi kepada BN?       

Pepatah Inggeris ada mengatakan, 'You can't have the cake and eat it as well.' Tetapi dalam keadaan seperti sekarang, kaum Cina 'can have the cake and eat it.'     

Mereka mungkin merasakan apabila BN hanya memperolehi slim majoriti di Parlimen, Kerajaan memberi lebih perhatian kepada kaum mereka. Jadi apa perlunya memberi lebih undi kepada BN?   

Walaubagaimanapun, saya berpendapat pengundi Cina tidak akan mahu BN kalah dalam PRU 13 nanti kerana itu akan mengakibatkan kestabilan politik dan ekonomi negara serta keharmonian kaum menjadi tidak menentu dan ini akan merugikan perniagaan mereka. Tetapi kalau lebih baik untuk mereka jika BN menang dengan simple majoriti, tidak perlulah lagi BN diberi kemenangan dengan majoriti 2/3. 

Sikap pengundi Cina susah hendak dibaca. Yang pasti mereka bersatu hati dalam semua perkara yang melibatkan kepentingan kaum mereka. Yang pasti mereka  pandai menghargai undi. Oleh itu sudah pasti mereka tentu tidak akan mensia-siakan peluang yang terbaik pd PRU13 untuk mencorakkan politik negara bagi membawa untung kepada kaum mereka.     

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Three Stooges and the word Allah

It's finally done. The 3 stooges have made up their minds to throw all caution to the wind and stoke religious sentiment. I say stooges because all of them have no qualms about disparaging the country in front of foreign audiences at every opportunity.  

These 3 stooges Anwar, Hadi and Kit Siang, putting on a show a of solidarity in front of the media, agreed among themselves for the name ALLAH to be used in the Bahasa Malaysia Bible. Thus they openly challenge the Sultans who is Head of Islam in all States of the Federation and seek to provoke the majority of moderate Muslims in this country.   

Of the 3, Kit Siang, Abdul Hadi and Anwar,maybe only Hadi can be regarded a Muslim scholar of some standing. Even so, that is now severely challenged as he has relegated Islam to nothing more than a political tool. Also his Amanat Hj. Hadi has caused untold damage to Muslim society especially in the East of Peninsular Malaysia.  

Anwar on the other hand, however much he may wish to be regarded as an Islamic scholar just wouldn't cut it. He hasn't an iota of credibility because he has lied too often and his numerous sex scandals is well known far and wide.  

As for Kit Siang, he has no love for Islam. He was present at the press conference merely to see that the other two stooges commit themselves to his will and forsake all for the sake of votes from amongst chauvinist Chinese.  

The 3 of them, all insincere to each other, standing together as though in solidarity in order to fool the public, indeed performed a most shameful act. The truth is they fooled themselves more than anyone else. More than that it was a premeditated act meant to raise the ire of moderate Muslims, the majority, to respond or retaliate in a manner that suits their design and so give them their wish ie public disorder.  

Leaders of the opposition all, are becoming more desperate by the day. Yet at the same time, they have become arrogant and domineering. All of them are, without exception, unreasonable and hard to deal with including Nik Aziz. These are people with tremendously huge egos. They will never admit to a mistake and they will never say sorry.  

Now I wish to ask the Christian clergy in this country. Would the bible become inadequate without the word ALLAH? Why adamantly insist on the word ALLAH when the word Tuhan more aptly describes the Father, Son and Holy Ghost the Christian God in the bible. 

Christian Youth and Missionary have been proselytising among the orang asli, destitute and impressionable Muslims for a long time now. Is this the reason? There is no denying this. I have had my own personal encounter with 3 of them, all claiming to come from Singapore some years back.

Do the Christians in the Peninsular, the majority of whom are Chinese, have no regard for the Federal Constitution, for the King and their Royal Highnesses the Sultans, no regard for goodwill and harmony as citizens? Have Christians not been free to practice their religion any way they wish. Are u oppressed in any way?  

Lets not be bigots and start throwing spanners. Lets instead cherish the freedom v have and everyday count the blessings bestowed on us by God. Amen.    

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Anwar terjerut leher sendiri

Dikatakan Anwar Ibrahim akan mengadakan satu lagi perhimpunan, tetapi kali ini untuk menghalang Shamsidar Taharin isteri Azmin Ali daripada menjadi saksi dalam kes samannya  terhadap Senator Datuk S.Nallakaruppan

Rakyat umumnya sudah masak dengan kerenah Anwar menghasut rakyat untuk berarak di jalan raya dan mengambil kesempatan daripada itu untuk mengapi api dan membangkitkan kebencian terhadap kerajaan, menghina institusi-institusi kehakiman dan pihak yang menjaga ketenteraman awam seperti polis.

Kali ini, rakyat akan diperbodohkan sekali lagi dengan mengheret mereka untuk berdemonstrasi bagi membantah Shamsidar Taharin daripada menjadi saksi dalam kes saman yang dibuat oleh Anwar sendiri. Kita masih ingat demonstrasi terakhir yang kononnya untuk menuntut Pilihan Raya yang lebih Bersih iaitu Bersih 1 dan 2. Tuntutan itu walaupun tidak berasas bolehlah juga diterima akal, tetapi kali ini, berdemonstrasi untuk menuntut supaya Shamsidar Taharin tidak menjadi saksi, adalah perbuatan yang sangat ‘bizzare’. Dan kalau masih ada juga pihak-pihak yang sanggup berarak bagi tujuan yang tidak munasabah ini perkataan Inggeris yang sesuai bagi puak-puak ini ialah ‘Assinine’.

Sudah jelas lagi nyata bahawa Anwar Ibrahim akan sedaya upayanya memperdayakan rakyat untuk menyelamatkan dirinya dan jika masih ada lagi mereka yang tidak sedar bahawa perjuangan politik Anwar adalah semata mata untuk mencapai cita-cita sempit peribadinya yang tamakkan kuasa, maka eloklah cari masjid-masjid lama yang masih menggunakan air kolah dan mandilah di situ. Ada orang kata dengan berbuat demikian boleh membersihkan diri daripada kekotoran dalaman dan menyelamatkan diri daripada ditimpa perkara-perkara yang tidak diingini.

Selama ini, kita tahu Anwar memang hebat dengan ugutan-ugutan dan tindakan-tindakan samannya terhadap sesiapa sahaja yang dia suka sehinggakan seperti kata Tun Mahathir ramai yang tidak berani bersuara atau membuat kenyataan kerana takut kena saman beratus-ratus juta ringgit. Nampaknya dengan Datuk S.Nallakaruppan, Anwar telah tersilap langkah kerana Datuk S.Nallakaruppan bukannya calang-calang orang.  Beliau dahulu pernah menjadi sahabat karib Anwar dan selama lebih daripada 30 tahun perhubungan mereka tentu sahaja banyak pekong Anwar berada dalam pengetahuannya.

Saman punya saman, terlalu ghairah menyaman kiri dan kanan, saman kali ini nampaknya menjerut leher Anwar sendiri. Dimanakah Datin Seri Azizah isteri Anwar yang sejati. Sudah agak lama langsung tidak bersuara. Mungkin insan ini sudah tidak berupaya lagi untuk menegakkan benang yang basah dan hampir reput pula.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all Malaysians. May the year 2013 usher in more joy, more prosperity and better health for all and sundry.

If I may, sometime during the first quarter of the year will come a time of reckoning for the country when voters go to the polls to decide on their future. I would sincerely urge for us all to be rational and not let our emotions rule our heads.

The truth is there exists so much goodwill amongst the various races that attempts to sow discord have failed. Foreign visitors often express surprise and marvel at our harmony whilst many governments wish to emulate us.

Except for one disruptive episode that threatened our democracy our country has continued to enjoy freedom garlanded with responsibility. Thus the country has experienced continuous economic growth and political stability. Even during the worst of times we have never experienced massive lay offs that blighted even the most developed of countries.  

Our current unemployment rate is very low despite the bad state of the world economy. Despite world economic recession, all essential items, i.e. goods that have a direct bearing on the quality of life of the people are still subsidized, foremost of which is petrol and petroleum products which alone costs the governments many billions of ringgit annually.  

Education is almost free from Pre School to university. Our literacy rate is amongst the highest according to UNESCO standard i.e. more than 93% of the population and that was a few years back.  

Workers from neighboring and far off countries still make a beeline to look for work here because they can make good money and feel safe.  Our living and working environment is good and we feel reasonably safe in our homes. No part of the country is unsafe to travel to and you can stop to talk to anyone you like with ease and feel welcome. We enjoy and celebrate each others festivities openly and often more food is prepared than can be consumed. Malaysians are a generous people and live in a land of plenty.

These are only some of the many blessings Malaysians don't even notice but is coveted by many other peoples in other countries. There are more than 1001 other blessings but that would be too much to enumerate.  

We are a very fortunate people. Let’s not be ungrateful but thank God for all these blessings. As we make new resolutions let us all also resolve when we cast our votes to ensure continued unity and harmony, political stability and economic growth for the sake of a better future for all Malaysians. God Bless.

Lim Guan Eng and religious discord

Mr Lim Guan Eng Sec. Gen. Of the DAP, lately has insisted that the word Allah be allowed in the Bible. He is no ignoramus. He knows very well the consequences of this unreasonable request.

With all consciousness and purposely too he batters Islamic Acts passed in the states and offends their Highnesses. He is fully aware how Muslims must feel about the matter and how they would react but pays it no heed.

He may wish to be regarded as a Champion for the Christians by again raising this forbidden issue. Else he seeks to be deemed a sensational champion by delving into this inadmissible matter yet again.  

There certainly is no need for him to insist that the word God in the Bible be changed to Allah. Christians do not feel that they are prevented in any way from practicing their religion or deprived of any aspect of their religion by not having the word Allah in the Bible.  

God in the Bible means three in one or vice versa, while the Quran categorically states that Allah has no associates. Allah is the complete contrary to the God of the Bible. Allah is One, Singular, Supreme. He does not beget nor is He begotten. He does not expire as did Christ on the cross. He is everlasting, has no beginning and no end. God in the Bible and Allah in the Quran are two distinct and different beings.  

I say Lim Guan Eng, in again raising this issue has ulterior motives. Past and present experience tells us the DAP is not sincere in wanting racial unity. The DAP sows and thrives on discord. They do not learn from History and even deny that that they caused the May 13 1969 riots. In this they do behave like ostriches, burying their heads in the sand whenever it suits them.

Lim Guan Eng sees Najib's 1Malaysia rallying the people together and no doubt feels he needs to put a spanner into it because it is the DAP's loss, so now when Muslims react as predicted by taking to the streets demonstrating, he will say that Malaysians are not united after all.He would be happy to portray to Christians in other countries, who don't know better, that Muslims here are not unlike Muslims anywhere else, unreasonable and intolerant.  

I say characters like Lim Guan Eng, who has no qualms about using religion to sow ill will and animosity among citizens of multi-religious Malaysia has no place in this country.