Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Three Stooges and the word Allah

It's finally done. The 3 stooges have made up their minds to throw all caution to the wind and stoke religious sentiment. I say stooges because all of them have no qualms about disparaging the country in front of foreign audiences at every opportunity.  

These 3 stooges Anwar, Hadi and Kit Siang, putting on a show a of solidarity in front of the media, agreed among themselves for the name ALLAH to be used in the Bahasa Malaysia Bible. Thus they openly challenge the Sultans who is Head of Islam in all States of the Federation and seek to provoke the majority of moderate Muslims in this country.   

Of the 3, Kit Siang, Abdul Hadi and Anwar,maybe only Hadi can be regarded a Muslim scholar of some standing. Even so, that is now severely challenged as he has relegated Islam to nothing more than a political tool. Also his Amanat Hj. Hadi has caused untold damage to Muslim society especially in the East of Peninsular Malaysia.  

Anwar on the other hand, however much he may wish to be regarded as an Islamic scholar just wouldn't cut it. He hasn't an iota of credibility because he has lied too often and his numerous sex scandals is well known far and wide.  

As for Kit Siang, he has no love for Islam. He was present at the press conference merely to see that the other two stooges commit themselves to his will and forsake all for the sake of votes from amongst chauvinist Chinese.  

The 3 of them, all insincere to each other, standing together as though in solidarity in order to fool the public, indeed performed a most shameful act. The truth is they fooled themselves more than anyone else. More than that it was a premeditated act meant to raise the ire of moderate Muslims, the majority, to respond or retaliate in a manner that suits their design and so give them their wish ie public disorder.  

Leaders of the opposition all, are becoming more desperate by the day. Yet at the same time, they have become arrogant and domineering. All of them are, without exception, unreasonable and hard to deal with including Nik Aziz. These are people with tremendously huge egos. They will never admit to a mistake and they will never say sorry.  

Now I wish to ask the Christian clergy in this country. Would the bible become inadequate without the word ALLAH? Why adamantly insist on the word ALLAH when the word Tuhan more aptly describes the Father, Son and Holy Ghost the Christian God in the bible. 

Christian Youth and Missionary have been proselytising among the orang asli, destitute and impressionable Muslims for a long time now. Is this the reason? There is no denying this. I have had my own personal encounter with 3 of them, all claiming to come from Singapore some years back.

Do the Christians in the Peninsular, the majority of whom are Chinese, have no regard for the Federal Constitution, for the King and their Royal Highnesses the Sultans, no regard for goodwill and harmony as citizens? Have Christians not been free to practice their religion any way they wish. Are u oppressed in any way?  

Lets not be bigots and start throwing spanners. Lets instead cherish the freedom v have and everyday count the blessings bestowed on us by God. Amen.    

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