Sunday, January 20, 2013

Malaysia is Not Free from Foreign Interference

I opine that Malaysia is not free from foreign interference because we are a Muslim country. Malaysia is doubly not free from a certain foreign interference because we have been consistently bold and forceful in opposing Zionism, it's very inhumane oppression of the people of Palestine and its excessive suppression of the rights of Palestine.

I also opine that whilst most Muslim countries elsewhere are like unto a house of cards, it's just not permissible to certain quarters that one country, Malaysia, stand out as an example of stability and progress. And where even though the society is plural, the people multiracial, where various religious beliefs and practices is the norm, there is harmony and goodwill.

Islam in Malaysia is not oppressive and never oppresses. And the Malays who are Muslims and form the majority of the population have always been generous and accommodating. This is Malaysia’s trait. It is unique and it is a rare trait among the community of nations.

The PM's initiative in calling for moderates to come to the fore and for the voice of moderation to rise and be heard is increasingly being appreciated internationally and this is unwelcome to them.  Muslims by definition must be extremists and stereotyped as terrorists. A Muslim country by their definition must be backward, unstable, weak and dependant.

However, Malaysia is the exception. The immense progress the country has achieved during the short time since independence is unacceptable. Thus, a successful Muslim country is anathema to them and no effort at subterfuge should be spared to bring it into the mould and stigma prevailing of a Muslim country that is, weak, unstable, backward and dependant. 

It is to their chagrin when the voice of leaders of Malaysia is recognised and respected in international fora. Malaysia's call for Muslim unity, moderation, progress and justice for all peoples often gets due attention. And this is despicable to some. For this and other reasons which time and space does not permit me to record here, I dare opine that there will be foreign interference in the soon to be 13th General Election. Interference has indeed come in the form of funds for opposition parties. The opposition have in fact already been receiving financial aid under various guises from various foreign sources.

These monies have been used for their campaigns and propaganda to instill disenchantment among the people, to create civil disorder and distrust for the BN government. 

The 13th General Election will be the mother of all elections, for Anwar especially. This will be his last and final attempt before the door finally closes on his ambition to become PM, before all his lies, numerous sex scandals and court cases catch up on him. 

This coming General Election will be a desperate one for him and his sympathisers.  There is bound to be extreme acts of provocation to create disorder during the campaign period and attempts to accuse the BN of vote rigging and whatever else when the elections results are declared.  It is therefore a good pre emptive move by the SPR to bring in as many independent observers from other countries to observe the elections.

As the countdown for the 13th General Election begins, lets hope and pray that rational thinking and good sense will prevail, that Malaysians will deny foreign interference and their agents their vile and base agenda for the country.

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